Book 1 – Meeting 2 Agenda (July 28)

Jul 25, 2020

July 28th 10:00 am-11:00am 

Book: Culturally Responsive Teaching and the Brain by Zaretta Hammond

Book Study Norms:

  1. Be respectful of each other, and welcome varying opinions. If you disagree, do so respectfully. 
  2. Listen with an open mind–and no cross talking. Allow speaker to finish their point. 
  3. Be mindful of time.  Facilitators will keep track of time and our goal is to keep the conversation to one hour.  At the end of the hour, facilitators will ask the group if we would like to continue or resume conversation at the next meeting. 
  4. Understand that this is a safe space and all discussion will be confidential within this group.  
  5. Facilitators will alert the group of time by nonverbal communication (2 minute warning). 
  6. Include your name and role on Zoom name. 


  1. Welcome & review norms (listed above)
  2. Introduction–members who are new to the group can introduce themselves
  3. Introduction to break out room–Facilitation/ Discussion: (We will cover as many questions as time allows. Each group should assign a note taker to report out during synthesis)–20 minutes 
  4. Whole Group Synthesis–Note Taker report out takeaways from discussion
  5. Debrief of PBS modules and update on CCSD Cultural Competency Committee 
  6. Discussion of monthly book units and vision for culturally responsive lesson plans
  7. Closing, discussion of final meeting, and introduction to Google Classroom resources

Save the Dates:

AMS Black Lives Matter Rally August 27th 8:00 PM –

Free Webinar by Zaretta Hammond Aug 7, or Aug 13 –

Discussion Questions for Part II:

From your experience, what role does listening play in building trust and rapport with students?  And How does understanding the “neuroscience of trust” (pp. 44-46) help you in building that first stage of a learning partnership?


How might being a warm demander (of cognitive development) help you be a better ally to dependent learners?


How do you balance giving actionable, corrective feedback and affirming the student’s capacity without “soft peddling” the feedback?


Often there is a “blame the victim” approach to student mindset that suggest students don’t have a growth mindset or they are simply missing “grit”. How do the dominant narratives about Black and Brown children generally (and black and brown dependent learners in particular) manifest itself at your site?


How can you leverage your knowledge of neuroscience to help students shift their mindset?




Please check out the following link for the additional resources list for this group. 


Please check out this newsletter by Zaretta Hammond and her community with more information, resources, and intersectionality between current events, Anti-Racism, and CRT. 


Please see these additional compiled links on CRT. 


Multicultural education is NOT synonymous with culturally responsive teaching. This is a major misconception. Multicultural education has a different focus and intended outcome than CRT. See the Dimensions of Equity chart